Trazabilidad de soporte de productos de materia primaYes
Método de inspección de productosInspection of all products
Control de calidad realizado en todas las líneas de producciónYes
Inspectores de QA/QC2
Antecedentes comerciales
Mercados principalesNorth America(25%), Mid East(20%), Western Europe(15%)
Tipos de clientes principalesRetailer, Engineer, Wholesaler, Brand business, For private use, Manufacturer
Capacidades de R&D
Opciones de personalizaciónsample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand, sample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand
Ingenieros de R&D2
Niveles de educación de ingeniero de R&D1 graduate, 1 juniorCollege
por TüVRheinland
Soluciones de proyectos integrales
Opciones de solución (1):
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4 fotos
Tipo: other
Arabia Saudita
1200pcs high mast led flood light project in Jubail Saudi Arabia
Comentarios de la empresa (7)
5.0 /5
Muy satisfecho
Proveedor de servicios
-Envío a tiempo
La calidad del producto
19 Jan 2025 17:53
light is suoer bright and works great
21 Jul 2024 19:31
I am very happy with this boat flood light, the whole product is aluminum housing with glass lens, I am also very happy with its brightness, I purchased the 100W and installed it on the top of our boat and it works very well and makes us safer. The installation was very easy and the customer service was excellent, they recommended a detailed plan for my situation and answered my questions very quickly and professionally! This product deserves praise!